So, I Dabbled in Podcasts at one point. This is the Result. 4+ hours of “eclectic” music!

First Podcast
Second Podcast
Third Podcast
Fourth Podcast

I hope you enjoy. Seriously, though there is some super random music on here, I think I left my old HD on shuffle! In the spirit of my favorite real and internet radio KALX! 90.7 in the Bay Area. Feel free to click and save (download), shazam etc. Email for comments. I might get around to doing real podcasts with, you know, like, song titles or something, but I am really into music not people talking necessarily. Haha, so there you go. My podcasts like my DJing are pretty much all music. Let me know what you think though. Maybe if I got a cool guest, we could talk about music and it might be interesting…

As always, best wishes and health to you all.

Love Conandrum

Here’s some cool images I found online!

fuck fuck fuck, didn’t get the artist’s name. if you know or find out, please tell me so I can give them credit!
I thought this was funny.
Astronaut dinosaur – Doof Wagon
Fun fact: Doof basically means techno/trance in OZ. Yes? Ozzies LMK.
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