Hell Yeah, No! The Newest Single from Conandrum!

Hell Yeah, No! Mp3

I’m not sure, but this could be a banger! This is the unmastered version above and an early mastered version below. Hard to describe, but it has vocals, which is unusual for me. I record vocals somewhat often, but usually get embarassed and remove them before the final bounce. Haha. The song is called Hell Yeah, No! It’s got elements of jungle, hardcore, bass, and Cyriak! If you haven’t checked out Cyriak, go ahead and check his work out. Possibly my favorite avant-garde audio/visual artist. You’re welcome. This song is hella short, so give it a listen, if I can figure it out, leave comments below and download by rightclicking I think!!! Web is not my main job. Hahaha. I hope you all have a lovely day. Best wishes.


PS working on my new site! Reallygoodsound.com

Audio support throughout the SF bay area. Hit me up for any sound needs or questions! Mastered version below. Watch out. Significantly louder!

Hell Yeah, No! Master1

Just added on soundcloud too. https://soundcloud.com/conandrum/sets/hell-yeah-no-mastered-and-unmastered

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